
Product Overview

Electrical power transformers are essential electrical equipment used in power systems, primarily for voltage transformation. Transformers operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction to convert AC electrical energy from one voltage level to another or multiple different voltage levels, meeting the usage requirements of various occasions and equipment. Here are some key features and applications of power transformers:

Working Principle: Transformers utilize the principle of electromagnetic induction. When AC current flows through the primary winding of the transformer, it generates a varying magnetic field. This magnetic field is transferred through the core to the secondary winding, inducing an AC voltage in the secondary winding.

Types: There are various types of transformers, including oil-immersed transformers, dry-type transformers, and portable transformers.

Cooling Methods: The cooling methods for transformers can be natural air cooling, forced air cooling, or oil immersion cooling.

Rated Parameters: The main rated parameters of a transformer include rated capacity (kVA or MVA), rated voltage (primary and secondary), rated frequency (Hz), impedance voltage percentage, and connection group.

Application Fields: Transformers are widely used in power generation stations, substations, industrial enterprises, commercial buildings, residential areas, and more for voltage transformation and electrical energy transmission.

Protection Features: Modern transformers are typically equipped with multiple protective devices, such as overcurrent protection, overheating protection, and short-circuit protection, to ensure the safe operation of the transformer.

Energy Efficiency: High efficiency is one of the important goals in transformer design to reduce energy loss and improve energy utilization.

Insulation System: The insulation system of a transformer needs to withstand high voltages, commonly using insulating oil, insulating paper, or other insulating materials.

Maintenance: Transformers require regular maintenance, including checking oil levels, cleaning the cooling system, and inspecting the insulation performance of the windings.

Environmental Impact: Transformers may generate certain levels of noise and electromagnetic fields during operation, so their installation location must consider the impact on the surrounding environment.

Intelligent Transformers: With technological advancements, intelligent transformers have begun to emerge. These integrate advanced monitoring and diagnostic technologies to remotely monitor the operating status of the transformer and promptly detect and address potential issues.

Electrical power transformers are an indispensable part of the power system, ensuring that electrical energy can be efficiently and safely transmitted and distributed to various power consumption points through voltage transformation.

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