8.1 Agreement content
The inverter provides an RS485 communication interface and supports the Modbus-RTU communication protocol. Users can achieve centralized control through computers or PLCs using this communication protocol to set inverter operation commands, modify or read function code parameters, and read the inverter’s operating status and fault information.
This serial communication protocol defines the content and usage format of the information transmitted in serial communication. It includes the master polling (or broadcasting) format, the encoding method of the master, which includes the function code requesting action, transmission data, and error checking. The response from the slave also follows the same structure, including action confirmation, returning data, and error checking. If the slave encounters an error while receiving information or cannot complete the action requested by the master, it will organize a fault message as a response to the master.
8.1.1 Application Modes
The inverter connects to a “single master multiple slave” PC/PLC control network with an RS485 bus as a communication slave.
8.1.2 Bus Structure
- Hardware Interface: Comes with communication interface A+ and B- terminal connectors.
- Topology:
- Single master multiple slave system. Each communication device in the network has a unique slave address, with one device serving as the communication master (PC host, PLC, HMI, etc.). The master initiates communication and performs parameter read or write operations on the slaves, while other devices act as communication slaves, responding to inquiries or communication operations from the master regarding themselves. Only one device can send data at a time, with the rest in a receiving state. The slave address is set within the range of 1 to 247, with 0 reserved for broadcast communication. Each slave address in the network must be unique.
- Communication Transmission Mode:
- Asynchronous serial, half-duplex transmission. Data in serial asynchronous communication is transmitted in the form of frames, with one frame sent at a time. According to the MODBUS-RTU protocol, when there is no data on the communication data line for a time greater than 3.5 byte transmission time, it indicates the start of a new communication frame.
The Modbus communication transmission method
- Asynchronous serial, half-duplex transmission. Data in serial asynchronous communication is transmitted in the form of frames, with one frame sent at a time. According to the MODBUS-RTU protocol, when there is no data on the communication data line for a time greater than 3.5 byte transmission time, it indicates the start of a new communication frame.
The host can be a personal computer (PC), industrial control equipment, or programmable logic controller (PLC), etc. The host can communicate individually with a specific slave or broadcast messages to all subordinate slaves. For individual access by the host through “queries/commands,” the accessed slave must return a response frame. For broadcast messages sent by the host, slaves do not need to provide responses.
8.1.3 Communication Data Structure
The Modbus protocol defines the format of communication data as shown below. The inverter only supports the reading or writing of Word-type parameters. The corresponding communication read operation command is 0x03, and the write operation command is 0x06. Byte or bit read/write operations are not supported:
In theory, the host computer can read several consecutive function codes at once (up to a maximum of 12), but it should be noted that it cannot skip the last function code in this group. Otherwise, an error response will be given.
If the slave detects a communication frame error or other reasons leading to unsuccessful read/write operations, it will respond with an error frame.
8.1.4 Frame Field Description
Field | Description |
START (Frame Header) | Greater than 3.5 character transmission time of idle |
ADR (Slave Address) | Communication address range: 1~247; 0 = broadcast address |
CMD (Command Code) | 03: Read slave parameters; 06: Write slave parameters |
Function Code Address (High) | Internal parameter address of the inverter, represented in hexadecimal; divided into functional and non-functional parameters (such as operating status parameters, operating commands, etc.). See address definition for details. During transmission, the high byte comes first, followed by the low byte |
Function Code Address (Low) | Same as above |
Function Code Count (High) | Number of function codes read in this frame. If 1, it means reading 1 function code. During transmission, the high byte comes first, followed by the low byte. This protocol can only rewrite one function code at a time, and there is no such field. |
Function Code Count (Low) | Same as above |
Data (High) | Response data or specially written data. During transmission, the high byte comes first, followed by the low byte. |
Data (Low) | Same as above |
CRCCHK (High) | Check value: CRC16 checksum value. During transmission, the high byte comes first, followed by the low byte. Refer to the CRC verification section for calculation method. |
CRCCHK (Low) | Same as above |
END | 3.5 character time |
8.1.5 CMD Verification Method
The verification method is the CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) method, using the RTU frame format. The message includes an error detection field based on the CRC method. The CRC field checks the content of the entire message. The CRC field consists of two bytes containing a 16-bit binary value. It is calculated by the transmitting device and added to the message. The receiving device recalculates the CRC of the received message and compares it with the value in the received CRC field. If the two CRC values are not equal, it indicates a transmission error.
During the CRC calculation, the initial value is set to 0xFFFF, and then each consecutive 8-bit byte in the message is processed with the current value in the register. Only the 8-bit data in each character is valid for CRC, while the start bit, stop bit, and parity bit are invalid.
In the CRC generation process, each 8-bit character is individually XORed with the register content, and the result is shifted towards the least significant bit (LSB) direction, with the most significant bit (MSB) filled with 0. The LSB is extracted for checking. If the LSB is 1, the register is XORed with a preset value, and if the LSB is 0, no operation is performed. This process is repeated 8 times. After the last bit (8th bit) is completed, the next 8-bit byte is XORed individually with the current value in the register. The final value in the register is the CRC value after all bytes in the message have been processed. When adding CRC to the message, the low byte is added first, followed by the high byte. The CRC function is as follows:
unsigned int CRC16_CHK(unsigned char *data, unsigned char length)
int j = 0;
unsigned int crc Oxffff reg:
crc reg *data++:
if(reg crc 0x01)
reg_crc (reg_crc > 1) 0xa001:
reg_crc = reg_crc >> 1;
return reg_crc;
8.1.6 Function Code Parameter Addressing Rules:
For reading and writing function code parameters (some function codes cannot be changed and are only used by the manufacturer or for monitoring):
The parameter address is represented by the function code group number and label:
High byte: PO~PF (P group) AO-AF (A group) 70~7F (U group) Low byte: 00~FF
For example, if you want to access the range of function code P3-12, the access address for the function code is represented as F30CH.
- PF group: Parameters cannot be read or changed.
- U group: Parameters can only be read and cannot be changed.
- Some parameters cannot be changed when the inverter is in operation; some parameters cannot be changed regardless of the state of the inverter; when changing function code parameters, pay attention to the range, unit, and related instructions of the parameters.
Function Code Group Number | Communication Access Address | Communication Modify RAM Function Code Address |
P0~PE Group | 0xF000~0xFEFF | 0x0000~0x0EFF |
A0~AC Group | 0xA000~0xACFF | 0x4000~0x4CFF |
U0 Group | 0x7000~0x70FF | Read-only, cannot be written |
- Due to frequent EEPROM storage, it will reduce the service life of EEPROM. Therefore, for some function codes, no storage is required in communication mode, and only changing the value in RAM is sufficient.
- If it is a P group parameter, to implement this function, simply change the high byte F of the function code address to 0. If it is an A group parameter, to implement this function, simply change the high byte A of the function code address to 4.
Writing to RAM corresponding function code addresses:
High byte: 00~0F (P group) 40~4F (A group) Low byte: 00~FF
For example, the function code P3-12 is not stored in EEPROM, the address is represented as 030CH; Function code A0-05 is not stored in EEPROM, the address is represented as 4005H.
Note: This address representation can only be used for writing to RAM, not for reading actions. When reading, it is an invalid address. For all parameters, you can also use command code 07H to implement this function.
8.1.7 Shutdown/Running Parameters Section:
Parameter Address | Parameter Description | Parameter Address | Parameter Description |
1000H | Communication setting value (Decimal) -10000-10000 | 1010H | PID setting |
1001H | Operating frequency | 1011H | PID feedback |
1002H | Bus voltage | 1012H | PLC step |
1003H | Output voltage | 1013H | Input pulse frequency, unit 0.01kHz |
1004H | Output current | 1014H | Feedback speed, unit 0.1Hz |
1005H | Output power | 1015H | Remaining running time |
1006H | Output torque | 1016H | All calibration voltage |
1007H | Operating speed | 1017H | AI2 calibration voltage |
1008H | DI input flag | 1018H | AI3 calibration voltage |
1009H | DO output flag | 1019H | Line speed |
100AH | All voltage | 101AH | Current power-on time |
100BH | AI2 voltage | 101BH | Current running time |
100CH | AI3 voltage | 101CH | Input pulse frequency, unit 1Hz |
100DH | Count value input | 101DH | Communication setting value |
100EH | Length value input | 101EH | Actual feedback speed |
100FH | Load speed | 101FH | Main frequency X display |
1020H | Auxiliary frequency Y display |
- The communication setting value is a percentage of the relative value, where 10000 corresponds to 100.00%, and -10000 corresponds to -100.00%.
- For dimensional data of frequency, this percentage is relative to the maximum frequency (P0-10); for torque dimensional data, this percentage is P2-10, A2-48, A3-48, A4-48 (torque limit digital setting, corresponding to the first, second, third, and fourth motors respectively).
Control Commands Input to the Inverter: (Write Only)
Command Address | Command Function |
2000H | 0001: Forward Run 0002: Reverse Run 0003: Forward Jogging 0004: Reverse Jogging 0005: Freewheel Stop 0006: Deceleration Stop 0007: Fault Reset |
Reading Inverter Status: (Read Only)
Status Address | Status Function |
3000H | 0001: Forward Run 0002: Reverse Run 0003: Stop |
Parameter Lock Password Verification: (Returns 888H if the password check passes)
Password Address | Password Input |
1F00H | ***** |
8.1.8 Output Control Commands
Command Address | Command Content | Output Control Command Description |
2001H | Bit0: DO1 Output Control Bit1: DO2 Output Control Bit2: RELAY1 Output Control Bit3: RELAY2 Output Control Bit4: FMR Output Control Bit5: VDO1 Bit6: VDO2 | Digital Output Terminal Control: (Write Only) |
2002H | 0~7FFF represents 0%~100% | Analog Output AO1 Control: (Write Only) |
2003H | 0~7FFF represents 0%~100% | Analog Output AO2 Control: (Write Only) |
2004H | 0~7FFF represents 0%~100% | Pulse (PULSE) Output Control: (Write Only) |
8.1.9 Inverter Fault Descriptions
Fault Address | Fault Information |
8000H | 0000: No Fault 0001: Reserved 0002: Overcurrent during acceleration 0003: Overcurrent during deceleration 0004: Overcurrent during constant speed 0005: Overvoltage during acceleration 0006: Overvoltage during deceleration 0007: Overvoltage during constant speed 0008: Buffer resistor overload fault 0009: Undervoltage fault 000A: Inverter overload 000B: Motor overload 000C: Input phase loss 000D: Output phase loss 000E: Module overheating 000F: External fault 0010: Communication abnormality 0011: Contactor abnormality 0012: Current detection fault 0013: Motor tuning fault 0014: Encoder/PG card fault 0015: Parameter read/write abnormality 0016: Inverter hardware fault 0017: Motor-to-ground short circuit fault 0018: Reserved 0019: Reserved 001A: Running time reached 001B: User-defined fault 1 001C: User-defined fault 2 001D: Power-on time reached 001E: Unload 001F: PID feedback loss during operation 0028: Quick current limiting timeout fault 0029: Motor switch fault during operation 002A: Excessive speed deviation 002B: Motor overspeed 002D: Motor over temperature 005A: Encoder line number setting error 005B: Encoder not connected 005C: Initial position error 005E: Speed |
8.1.10 PD Group Communication Parameter Description
Parameter Code | Name | Range | Factory Default |
Pd-00 | Baud Rate | Unit: MODBUS Baud Rate 0: 300BPS 1: 600BPS 2: 1200BPS 3: 2400BPS 4: 4800BPS 5: 9600BPS 6: 19200BPS 7: 38400BPS 8: 57600BPS 9: 115200BPS |
600 |
Pd-01 | Data Format | 0: No Parity, Data Format <8,N,2> 1: Even Parity, Data Format <8,E,1> 2: Odd Parity, Data Format <8,0,1> |
0 |
Pd-02 | Device Address | 1~247, 0 for Broadcast Address | 1 |
Pd-03 | Response Delay | 0~20ms | 2ms |
Parameter Code | Name | Range | Factory Default |
Pd-04 | Communication Timeout | 0.0s (Invalid) to 60.0s | 2ms |
- When the parameter code is set to 0.0s, the communication timeout parameter is invalid.
- When the parameter code is set to a valid value, if the interval between consecutive communications exceeds the communication timeout time, the system will report a communication fault error (Err16). Typically, this parameter is set to an invalid value. Setting this parameter in continuous communication systems can monitor communication status.
Parameter Code | Name | Range | Factory Default |
Pd-05 | Modbus Protocol | 0: Non-Standard Modbus Protocol 1: Standard Modbus Protocol |
0 |
- Pd-05=1: Selects the standard Modbus protocol.
- Pd-05=0: When reading commands, the number of bytes returned by the slave is one more than the standard Modbus protocol. Refer to the Communication Data Structure section of this protocol for details.
Parameter Code | Name | Range | Factory Default |
Pd-06 | Communication Current Resolution | 0: 0.01A 1: 0.1A |
0 |
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