6.2 Constant Pressure Water Supply Macro

Tip: 1 bar = 1 kg = 0.1 MPa = 10 meters of mercury

This constant pressure water supply macro has the following features: by selecting the water supply macro and inputting the sensor range value and target pressure, other parameters can remain unchanged to achieve efficient constant pressure water supply control directly. It has strong pressure regulation ability, rapid and sensitive response, making it superior to traditional PID control frequency-based water supply control in terms of stability, energy efficiency, and other aspects. It also provides better constant pressure and pressure holding effects for sites with pressure tanks. Additionally, the mainboard dual relay directly realizes one-to-three control, or with terminals Y1 and HDO connected to external relays, it can control up to one-to-five water supplies. It has independent pump start and stop pressure and delay control. It can also achieve emergency pump shutdown control when overpressure occurs, by appropriately reducing the emergency pump shutdown delay time (b0-15 pressure upper limit emergency pump shutdown delay). This helps avoid the problem of rapid water pressure rise. Furthermore, the keyboard can directly monitor the set pressure target value or pressure feedback value by toggling the shift key. The monitoring content remains unchanged after power failure and restart. The machine also directly supports dual-display keyboard monitoring of pressure set value and feedback value.

Single-Pump VFD Constant Pressure Water Supply Macro

When P0-29=1, the automatic initialization parameters are as follows: (default panel potentiometer set target pressure value)
P0-01=2, P0-02=1, P0-03=8, P0-14=20.00Hz, P4-18=2.00, P7-03=8015, P7-04=0001, P7-05=3003, P7-17=15, P7-18=16, PA-00=3, PA-05=50.0, PA-06=0.10, PA-28=0 (to increase response speed, increase PA-05 and decrease PA-06; to decrease response speed, vice versa). AI1 defaults to 0~10V input as the PID pressure feedback source. If it needs to be changed to a 4~20mA input, please add parameters: P4-13=2.00V, P4-37=11 (set the unit digit to 1 for current input type). The default factory setting for AI2 of the inverter itself is 0~20mA input. If AI2 is used as the PID pressure feedback source, corresponding parameters can be added: P4-18=2.00V, P4-37=10. When AI1 and AI2 are changed to current input, terminal 24V needs to be connected for sensor power supply.
The b0 group is the constant pressure water supply parameter group, where b0-00 represents the range of the pressure sensor and needs to be input accurately. For example: if the maximum value of the sensor is marked as 1.6MPa, then b0-00=16.00kg.
PA-00 is used to select the target pressure setting source, which defaults to 3 for keyboard simulated potentiometers. If it is selected as 8, it will be set by b0-01 as the target pressure value setting for the water supply site, which defaults to 5.00kg and can be changed as required. The sleep, wake-up, and various pressure deviation amounts are automatically adjusted in sync with the percentage value of the target pressure, and they basically work stably without the need for adjustment.
Note: For the inverter-related wiring of constant pressure water supply, please click here, which is not described here.

One-to-Three VFD Constant Pressure Water Supply Macro

When P0-29=2, it can achieve the constant pressure water supply mode of one VFD pump dragging two line-frequency pumps. This mode is based on the initialization default parameters of the Single-Pump VFD Constant Pressure Water Supply Macro, with the following additional default parameters:
P5-02=50 (RLY1 is auxiliary pump 1), P5-03=51 (RLY2 is auxiliary pump 2), P5-25=0.3s, P5-26=0.3s, b0-10=2 (two auxiliary pumps). For more control parameters, please refer to Constant Pressure Water Supply Parameter Group b0.

One-to-Five VFD Constant Pressure Water Supply Macro

When P0-29=3, it can achieve the constant pressure water supply mode of one VFD pump dragging four line-frequency pumps. This mode is based on the initialization default parameters of the One-to-Three VFD Constant Pressure Water Supply Macro, with the following additional default parameters:
P5-04=52 (Y1 is auxiliary pump 3), P5-01=53 (HDO is auxiliary pump 4), P5-00=1, P5-24=0.3s, P5-27=0.3s, b0-10=4 (four auxiliary pumps). For more control parameters, please refer to Constant Pressure Water Supply Parameter Group b0.

Firefighting Water Supply Inspection Cabinet Special Macro

When P0-29=7, the default parameters are as follows:
P0-02=1, P0-03=0, P0-08=10.00Hz, P0-12=15.00Hz, P4-00=1, P4-03=9, P6-10=1

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